SAVETHEDATE 2020 | See you at the outdoor tourism fairs in Utrecht and Milan

SAVETHEDATE 2020 | See you at the outdoor tourism fairs in Utrecht and Milan

During the past months, we’ve been working to design two incredible new tours for keen cyclists lookin’ for new challenges. The Puglia Roadbike Tour, a 10 days holiday from Gargano to Salento (one may call it the “Giro di Puglia”), and the Puglia Mountain Bike Holiday, a biking week from the Sun Mountain to Matera and Valle d’Itria. Seeing all the Apulian UNESCO sites and the two National Parks of the Gargano and of the Alta Murgia it’s now possible!

The first appointment is Fiets en Wandelbeurs (http://www.fietsenwandelbeurs.nl/), the most important Cycling and Hiking fair in the Netherlands. We have lots a Dutch friends coming to visit us in Puglia at the Gargano Cycle Hub in Vieste and we look forward to seeing them again in Utrecht, which is just one hour train from Amsterdam.

The second appointment is Fa’ la cosa giusta (falacosagiusta.org), which btw means: Do the Right Thing, in Milan, Italy. It is a very interesting exhibition on critical consumption and sustainable lifestyles. We will be present at the Apulia Region-PIN Pugliesi Innovativi stand in the ‘Routes and Responsible Tourism’ area together with plenty of small tour operators organizing local experiences and genuine holidays in the Belpaese.


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